

I'm tired of it.

Daily, daily

We both work full time and my wife works about 3 hours overtime, so I am forced to leave the office as early as possible, whether my work is done or not

I go to pick her up from daycare, but the teachers and my daughters tell me to come pick her up earlier

I don't want to come home.

Take the girls to the bathroom and give them a bath

Brush their teeth
Prepare for tomorrow's daycare with the fussy girls

When my wife finally came home, she cursed me for not finishing earlier

Take the girls to bed while my wife started drinking beer

But with the girls not sleeping beside me

I took care of the girls.

After the girls finally went to bed, I did the laundry and washed the dishes, and then my wife woke up and started drinking wine. Finally, in my own time, I had a beer and went to bed.

The next morning, my wife complains that I should get up earlier

I feed the girls breakfast (bread)

Whether they are ready or not, when the time comes, she goes to work first

and I manage to take the rambunctious girls to daycare.

I would arrive at my office just in time, only to be told to come earlier.

And then my boss told me I had to organize the office welcome and send-off party?

My wife says don't go to drinking parties?

Who wants to go to a drinking party?

Who wants to be the organizer?

How could my wife have the right to say such a thing?

My wife works overtime because of the atmosphere in the office, as she herself has said.

It is due to the atmosphere that I have to go out drinking.

I am able to go home early because I ignore that atmosphere.

I'm tired of it.

